How do you spilt $45.00 5 people? Equations!

5x = 45

Ohhh i see now 5 is 5 people and we are trying to split it! That make sense, Thank you Ms. Sue!

You're welcome, Mary.

Whenever you say "you're welcome" I don't know what else to say!!!

To split $45.00 among 5 people equally, we need to divide the total amount by the number of people. To understand this better, let's set up an equation.

Let "x" represent the amount each person will receive. We need to find the value of "x".

The equation to solve this problem is: 5x = 45.00, which means if we multiply the value for each person (x) by the number of people (5), it should equal the total amount ($45.00).

To solve this equation for "x", we need to isolate it. To do that, we can divide both sides of the equation by 5:

5x / 5 = 45.00 / 5

This simplifies to:

x = 9.00

Therefore, each person should receive $9.00.