Study the wings of the birds in the two images below. Which of the following words applies to only one of the wing structures represented in this pair of species?

ostrich hummingbird
A. homologous
B. developmental
C. vestigial
D. inherited
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To determine which of the given words applies to only one of the wing structures represented by the ostrich and the hummingbird, we need to compare the characteristics of their wings.

1. Ostrich: An ostrich is a flightless bird, and its wings are large and strong, but they are not used for flying. Ostrich wings are adapted for balance and acceleration while running.

2. Hummingbird: Hummingbirds are known for their ability to hover and fly in different directions, including backward. Their wings are small, lightweight, and capable of rapid flapping motions.

Now, let's analyze the given words one by one:

A. Homologous: This term refers to structures that have a common evolutionary origin but may serve different functions. In this case, both ostrich wings and hummingbird wings are considered homologous as they derive from the same ancestral structure, even though they have different functions.

B. Developmental: This word is related to the early stages of growth and differentiation of an organism. It does not specifically apply to one wing structure over the other.

C. Vestigial: Vestigial structures are remnants of ancestral traits that have lost their original function. Since ostrich wings are large and used for balance while running, they are not considered vestigial. However, hummingbird wings are specialized for flight, so they do not have any vestigial characteristics. Therefore, this word does not apply to either wing structure.

D. Inherited: This term refers to traits or characteristics passed down from previous generations through genetic transmission. Both ostrich and hummingbird wings are inherited structures, so this word does not apply exclusively to one of them.

In conclusion, none of the given words (A. Homologous, B. Developmental, C. Vestigial, D. Inherited) applies exclusively to one of the wing structures represented by the ostrich and the hummingbird.