Research and identify what trends most likely will affect employment for your chosen career : Economist

I did but its so hard theres no info on it

I'm sorry you didn't understand any of those sites.

To determine the trends that are likely to affect employment for the career of an economist, there are several steps you can follow:

1. Conduct industry research: Start by researching the current state and recent trends in the field of economics. This can be done by reading industry reports, specialized publications, and news articles that focus on the economic landscape. Understanding the broader context will give you a foundation to assess potential employment trends.

2. Analyze demographic shifts: Look at demographic changes, such as population growth, aging population, and immigration patterns, as they can significantly impact the demand for economists. For instance, a rapidly expanding population might require more economists to analyze and advise on economic policies or address specific challenges related to economic development.

3. Assess technological advancements: Technology plays a crucial role in shaping job markets, so it's important to examine how technological advancements may affect the demand for economists. Automation and artificial intelligence are two major trends that are already transforming various industries. Identify areas within the field of economics that are susceptible to automation or where new technologies could enhance productivity and decision-making processes.

4. Consider policy changes and geopolitical factors: Policies implemented by governments and changes in global affairs can have substantial effects on the demand for economists. For example, shifts in trade relationships, regulatory frameworks, or government spending can lead to increased or decreased demand for economists with expertise in those areas.

5. Look at macroeconomic indicators: Keeping an eye on macroeconomic indicators, such as GDP growth, inflation rates, and fiscal policies, can provide insights into the future employment prospects for economists. Economic cycles, recessions, or periods of economic instability often influence the demand for economists to analyze and address the resulting challenges.

6. Consult industry professionals and associations: Stay connected with professional economists by attending conferences, seminars, or joining industry associations. Engaging with industry experts can provide valuable insights into the current and upcoming trends in the field. Networking and engaging with professionals in the industry can also help you understand the skills and knowledge that are currently in demand.

By following these steps and combining your research, analysis, and industry insights, you'll be able to identify the trends that are likely to affect employment for economists. Remember to regularly update your research as the economic landscape is constantly evolving.