Without any help from adults and because they are curious, many preschoolers explore alphabet letters on their own.​

I think True for this awsner
Scribbling on paper involves child decision making.​
I am think false on this one.
When painting, children choose the color and kind of lines or marks they make and they gain a sense of autonomy and control over tools.​
I am think true for this one.

I agree.

Btw -- I've been watching my two great grandsons, ages 4 and 6 begin to learn to read. They are very curious and determined to master this new skill.


Your answers are correct!

True: Without any help from adults and because they are curious, many preschoolers explore alphabet letters on their own. This is a natural way for them to learn and become familiar with letters.

False: Scribbling on paper does not necessarily involve child decision-making. It is often a spontaneous and experimental action where children explore and express themselves through marks and lines.

True: When painting, children do choose the color and kind of lines or marks they make. This allows them to have a sense of autonomy and control over the tools they are using.

To determine the correct answers, we need to analyze the statements.

Statement 1: "Without any help from adults and because they are curious, many preschoolers explore alphabet letters on their own."

The statement implies that preschoolers independently explore alphabet letters out of curiosity, without adult assistance. This statement is likely true because many preschoolers engage in self-directed exploration as part of their development.

Statement 2: "Scribbling on paper involves child decision making."

Scribbling on paper is a common activity for young children. It allows them to experiment with mark-making and develop fine motor skills. While it is true that children make decisions about the movements they make with their hands and the marks they create on paper, the statement only mentions "scribbling." It does not specify whether the decisions made by children are intentional or purposeful. Therefore, the statement is ambiguous, and we cannot definitively say if it is true or false.

Statement 3: "When painting, children choose the color and kind of lines or marks they make and they gain a sense of autonomy and control over tools."

When children engage in painting activities, they often have the opportunity to choose the colors and types of lines or marks they make on the paper or canvas. This process allows them to express their creativity and preferences. Additionally, gaining a sense of autonomy and control over the tools they use can contribute to their growth and development. Therefore, the statement is likely true.

In summary:
1. True
2. Ambiguous (we cannot determine if it's true or false based on the given information)
3. True