Which crop was considered a major source of profit for the Spanish crown in America?

The crop that was considered a major source of profit for the Spanish crown in America was sugarcane. To arrive at this answer, you can follow these steps:

1. Understand the historical context: During the period of European colonization in the Americas, Spain established a vast empire known as the Spanish Empire, which included territories in the Caribbean and parts of Central and South America. These territories became lucrative centers of agricultural production.

2. Identify the crops grown in Spanish colonies: In these Spanish colonies, various crops and commodities were cultivated, such as tobacco, cocoa, indigo, and sugarcane. However, among these, sugarcane stood out as a major source of profit due to its economic importance.

3. Analyze the economic impact of sugarcane: Sugarcane cultivation played a crucial role in the Spanish colonial economy. It was in high demand in Europe and had immense value as a luxury commodity and a sweetener. The labor-intensive nature of sugarcane production led to the establishment of large-scale plantation agriculture, supported by enslaved African labor.

4. Consider the influence of mercantilism: During this period, mercantilism, an economic policy promoting the accumulation of wealth and trade monopolies, was prevalent. Spanish colonial policies were built upon mercantilistic principles, where colonies existed primarily to benefit the mother country. Sugarcane plantations in Spanish colonies, such as those in Cuba, Puerto Rico, and Hispaniola, were closely controlled by the Spanish crown to maximize profits.

By following these steps, it becomes clear that sugarcane was the crop that was considered a major source of profit for the Spanish crown in America.

The crop that was considered a major source of profit for the Spanish crown in America was sugarcane.