Why is the Mesopotamians so important? Because they were the best successful framers. Right?

I don't know about the "best." But they were the first farmers.


OH Okay thank you!

You're welcome.

The Mesopotamians were indeed important, but not specifically because they were successful framers. The significance of Mesopotamia lies in its contributions to civilization and its role as one of the cradles of human civilization.

Mesopotamia was a region located in present-day Iraq and parts of Syria, Iran, and Turkey. It was home to several ancient civilizations, including the Sumerians, Akkadians, Babylonians, and Assyrians. These civilizations had a profound impact on the development of human society in several key areas:

1. Agricultural advancements: Mesopotamia was known as the "Fertile Crescent" due to its rich soil and access to water through the Tigris and Euphrates rivers. The Mesopotamians developed irrigation systems, canals, and techniques for farming, which allowed them to cultivate crops on a large scale and support growing populations.

2. Writing system: The Sumerians of Mesopotamia are credited with inventing one of the earliest known writing systems, called cuneiform. Cuneiform was initially developed for record-keeping and administrative purposes, but later evolved into a tool for literature, legal codes, and historical documentation.

3. Legal and social systems: The Mesopotamians established complex legal codes, such as the Code of Hammurabi, which provided a set of laws for society to follow. Additionally, they developed hierarchical social structures, with rulers, priests, scribes, and various other social classes.

4. Urbanization and architecture: Mesopotamians built some of the world's earliest cities, such as Uruk and Babylon. These cities were characterized by complex architecture, including ziggurats (step pyramids), palaces, and temples. These structures showcased their advanced construction techniques and the emergence of urban centers.

5. Mathematics and astronomy: Mesopotamians made important contributions to mathematics, introducing concepts such as the numerical system based on 60 (the basis for our measurement of time and angles) and the development of early mathematical texts. They also excelled in astronomy, making significant progress in observing celestial bodies and creating calendars.

While framing and agriculture were vital to their civilization, the Mesopotamians' impact extended far beyond that. Their innovations and achievements laid the foundation for many subsequent civilizations and helped shape the course of human history.