Why does the author of "Always to Remember" discuss Maya Ying Lin's background?

A. to show that she experienced hardships
B. to show its influence on her design
C. to appeal to Chinese-American readers
D. to show her disinterest in architecture

the answers are (for connections academy)

1. C
2. B
3. A
4. B
5. C
6. B
7. D
8. D
hope this helps :)

Rhsi is nit correct hame ke djms

B. to show its influence on her design

The correct answer is B. to show its influence on her design.

The author of "Always to Remember" discusses Maya Ying Lin's background to demonstrate how it influenced her design for the Vietnam Veterans Memorial in Washington, D.C. Maya Lin is a Chinese-American architect, and her background played a significant role in shaping her artistic and design choices. The author explores how her cultural heritage, as well as her experiences as a child of immigrant parents, informed her approach to creating a memorial that honors the soldiers who lost their lives in the Vietnam War. Therefore, discussing Maya Ying Lin's background is important to understand the context and inspiration behind her design.