Which of the following statements best explains how the establishment of the republic of Texas brought civil freedom to Texas

A. The influence of the U.S. Constitution led Texas to establish civil rights

B. Hey series of constitutional amendments secured civil rights for Texas citizens

C. Mexican suffrage encouraged Texas to extend Voting rights to all land owners

D. A large Catholic population led Texas to establish right based on religious doctrine

1 D US Constitution

2 A Mexican suffrage encouraged Texas to extend voting rights to all landowners
3 B Gonzales
4 B landscape
5 B Santa Anna
6 A He believed in expansion
7 B Texas had a hard time attracting settlers to open lands
8 D Rio Grande
9 B Many people moved to Texas because it was safer than it had been in the past
10 B Some of the disputes were resolved, but some remained

I don't understand B. Hey series??

I think there's a better answer. What does your text say?

I'll be glad to check your answer.

I’m think it’s B

B is supposed to say A series not HEY series my bad

Is it C?

To determine the correct answer, let's break down each option:

A. The influence of the U.S. Constitution led Texas to establish civil rights.
This option suggests that Texas was influenced by the U.S. Constitution, which played a significant role in the establishment of civil rights. However, the statement does not provide specific evidence or examples of how the influence of the U.S. Constitution directly led to civil freedom in Texas.

B. A series of constitutional amendments secured civil rights for Texas citizens.
This option suggests that civil rights in Texas were secured through a series of constitutional amendments. Constitutional amendments can be powerful tools for guaranteeing and protecting civil rights. However, it does not provide any specific examples of the amendments or information about how they were implemented in Texas.

C. Mexican suffrage encouraged Texas to extend voting rights to all landowners.
This option suggests that Texas extended voting rights to all landowners due to the influence of Mexican suffrage. While expanding voting rights can be seen as a step toward civil freedom, it does not necessarily encompass all aspects of civil freedom or explicitly specify how the establishment of a republic led to broader civil rights beyond voting.

D. A large Catholic population led Texas to establish rights based on religious doctrine.
This option suggests that Texas established rights based on religious doctrine due to its large Catholic population. While religious freedom can be part of civil freedom, it does not capture the wider range of civil rights encompassed in the establishment of a republic.

Based on the explanations provided, option B seems to best explain how the establishment of the Republic of Texas brought civil freedom to Texas. However, it is important to note that without further context or additional information, it is challenging to definitively determine the correct answer.