
Is this correct?
A. yes
B no, f=8
C no, f= 10

<----------------------=my answer

OH no my bad the right problems are

Is this correct
A yes
B No,g=5
C no, g=4
A is my answer I am sorry

C is my answer

To check if the given equation is correct, you need to substitute the value of g (3) into the equation and see if both sides of the equation are equal.

So, let's substitute g = 3 into the equation:

52 + g = 45 + 11

Replacing g with 3, we get:

52 + 3 = 45 + 11

Now, let's solve each side of the equation:

On the left side: 52 + 3 = 55
On the right side: 45 + 11 = 56

Now, let's compare both sides:

On the left side: 55
On the right side: 56

Since the two sides of the equation are not equal (55 is not equal to 56), the given equation is incorrect.

Therefore, the correct answer is C) no, g = 10.


g = 56 - 52
g = 4

None of the answer choices is correct.