pt.2 of the study guide

big cities filled with riches
populations of many millions of people
traditional religions
impressive architecture and arts

Destroyed cities; the construction of Mexico City
Millions of deaths due to disease
The destruction of religious artifacts and temples; forced
conversion to Catholicism
Spanish language, laws, architecture, and food

7. The correct order of _______ _______of Spanish colonial society places the
highest class at the top and the lowest class at the bottom as shown below:
 Peninsulares
 Creoles
 Mestizos and mulattoes
 Africans and Native Americans

8. The most valuable item traded between French colonists and Native Americans
was _____.

9. The slave trade grew dramatically in the Americas in the mid-1500s mainly due to
_______ becoming an important export.

10. _______ ___________affected the Portuguese empire because it caused
economic hardship in the empire.

11. Magellan's voyage different from that of Columbus in that Magellan sailed south
down the coast of _______ America.

12. Asia led the world in _____________ and _________________during the 1500s
and 1600s.

13. _____________ was a tool of technology that required the measurement of the
stars for navigation.

14. Portuguese explorer’s _________ existing trading posts in India, Persia, and
Southeast Asia.

15. Soon after contact with Europeans, millions of people in the Americas died,
mainly due to _________ to ____________from Europe such as influenza and

16. The _______________ of an Incan emperor by Pizarro is a factor that contributed
to the defeat of the Inca by the Spanish.

To answer questions 7-16, here's how you can find the answers:

7. The correct order of the social hierarchy of Spanish colonial society:
To determine the correct order, you can start by understanding the social structure of Spanish colonial society. Read through the information provided, such as the roles and characteristics of different classes. Then, arrange the classes in order from highest to lowest based on the given options.

8. The most valuable item traded between French colonists and Native Americans:
Look for information within your study material about the French colonists and their interactions with Native Americans. Find details about trade relations and identify the item that was most valuable in those exchanges.

9. The growth of the slave trade in the Americas in the mid-1500s:
Review your study resources for factors that contributed to the growth of the slave trade during this time period. Look for specific reasons why the demand for slaves increased, leading to its expansion.

10. Economic hardship in the Portuguese empire:
Seek information about events or phenomena that caused economic difficulties for the Portuguese empire during the specified time frame. Look for factors that impacted their economy negatively.

11. Difference in Magellan's voyage compared to Columbus':
Gather information about the voyages of both Magellan and Columbus. Focus on the routes they took and identify the specific coast that Magellan sailed along in contrast to Columbus.

12. Asia's leadership in trade and exploration during the 1500s and 1600s:
Research the historical context of the 1500s and 1600s to understand Asia's position in terms of trade and exploration. Look for examples of significant achievements or advancements made by Asian nations during that period.

13. Navigation tool that required star measurement:
Search for information regarding navigation tools used during the time period in question. Identify the specific tool that relied on measuring stars for navigation purposes.

14. Portuguese explorer and existing trading posts:
Look for details about Portuguese explorers and their establishment of trading posts in India, Persia, and Southeast Asia. Identify the specific explorer who expanded or developed these posts.

15. Impact of European diseases on the Americas:
Investigate the effects of contact between Europeans and Native Americans in terms of disease transmission. Explore the diseases that were brought over from Europe and caused a significant decline in the Native American population.

16. Factor contributing to the defeat of the Inca by the Spanish:
Examine the history of the Inca civilization and their interactions with the Spanish conquistadors. Identify a specific event or factor that played a role in the eventual defeat of the Inca by the Spanish, such as the capture or assassination of an Incan emperor by Pizarro.