State how matter moves through the biosphere. State how energy moves through the biosphere. Explain each statement using examples to illustrate your explanation.

Could somebody please send any helpful articles for this question? I would really appreciate it! ^^


Matter moves through the biosphere through various processes including biogeochemical cycles. These cycles involve the movement of matter between living organisms, the atmosphere, the hydrosphere (water bodies), and the lithosphere (Earth's crust).

One example of matter movement is the carbon cycle. Carbon exists in the atmosphere as carbon dioxide, which is taken up by plants during photosynthesis. When animals consume these plants or consume other animals that have consumed plants, carbon is transferred through the food chain. When organisms respire or die, carbon is released back to the atmosphere and decomposers break down organic matter, returning carbon to the soil.

Another example is the water cycle. Water continuously moves between the atmosphere, land, and water bodies. It evaporates from oceans and other water sources, condenses into clouds, falls as precipitation, and is absorbed by plants or flows into rivers and eventually back into the oceans.

Energy moves through the biosphere through the flow of energy from the sun to the producers (plants or photosynthetic organisms) and then to consumers (animals). This flow is known as the food chain or trophic levels.

For example, plants use sunlight to convert carbon dioxide and water into glucose through photosynthesis. This energy is stored in the chemical bonds of glucose, which is then consumed by herbivores. The energy is transferred to the herbivores, which are then consumed by carnivores or omnivores. Energy continues to flow through the food chain, with each organism gaining energy from the previous level.

As for helpful articles, here are some that can provide more information on matter and energy flow in the biosphere:
1. "Biogeochemical Cycles" by the U.S. Geological Survey:
2. "The Carbon Cycle" by the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration:
3. "The Water Cycle" by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency:

I hope this helps!

Matter moves through the biosphere in a cyclic pathway called the biogeochemical cycle, which involves the movement and transformation of essential elements through different components of the ecosystem. This includes the atmosphere, hydrosphere (water bodies), lithosphere (land and soil), and the various living organisms within the biosphere. Let's take a closer look at the cycling of matter:

1. The Water Cycle: Water is continuously cycled through the biosphere, involving processes such as evaporation, condensation, precipitation, and runoff. For example, when the sun heats up water bodies like lakes and oceans, it causes evaporation. The vapor rises into the atmosphere, where it condenses to form clouds. Eventually, precipitation occurs, returning water to the Earth's surface.

2. The Carbon Cycle: Carbon is an essential element for life and is cycled through various processes. Plants absorb carbon dioxide from the atmosphere during photosynthesis, incorporating it into organic compounds. Animals consume plants, utilizing the stored carbon in their bodies. When plants and animals die, decomposition occurs, releasing carbon back into the soil. Over time, this carbon can become fossil fuels, releasing carbon back into the atmosphere when burned.

Energy moves through the biosphere in a unidirectional manner, flowing from the sun to primary producers (plants), then through the food chain to consumers (animals), and eventually being dissipated as heat. This is known as the flow of energy in an ecosystem. Here's an explanation with examples:

1. Solar Energy: The primary source of energy in the biosphere is sunlight. Plants, through a process called photosynthesis, convert solar energy into chemical energy in the form of glucose. This stored energy is then utilized by plants for growth and maintenance.

2. Transfer between Trophic Levels: When animals consume plants or other animals, they acquire the stored energy and nutrients. This transfer of energy and nutrients occurs through the food chain. For instance, a herbivore like a deer consumes grass, absorbing the energy stored in the plant. Then, a predator like a lion consumes the deer, transferring the energy further up the food chain.

3. Heat Dissipation: As energy flows through the food chain, it gets dissipated as heat during metabolic processes. This heat loss is significant as it helps maintain the balance of energy in the biosphere. For example, when animals move or perform any physical activity, a substantial amount of energy is converted into heat and lost to the environment.

As for articles on these topics, you can find extensive information in scientific journals and websites such as National Geographic, including articles on the water cycle, carbon cycle, and energy flow in ecosystems.

a. Consider a bird flying.

a. consider a wind blowing
a. consider clouds moving
b. sunlight, sound, heat radiation