Walter had 2/4 yards of string. He used 360 of it on a school project. How much string did he use

360 of it?

Is 2/4 also a typo?

oh I’m sorry! I used the microphone to “type” my problem. it it 2/4 and 3/6

well, since 2/4 = 3/6 I guess he used it all!

To find out how much string Walter used for his school project, we need to find 2/4 of a yard in terms of inches.

First, let's convert the yard into inches. Since there are 36 inches in a yard, we multiply the yard value by 36:
2/4 yards * 36 inches/yard = 72/4 inches.

Simplifying 72/4, we get:
72/4 = 18 inches.

Now that we have the total length of the string in inches, we can calculate the amount used for the school project.
Walter used 360 inches of the string.

Therefore, Walter used 360 inches of string for his school project.