Hey, I'm kinda confused about this.

I just did an assessment, and the inequality [ p + 5 < 10 ] came up, and I thought, "Hey, -5 (one of the answer choices) plus 5 = zero, and zero's less than ten!" So, I selected it, but it was wrong. I don't want just the answer, I just want an explanation on how this is.
Thanks to anyone that responds!

If the answer is <5 that means its the number (0,1,2,3,4) and if you add all of them up into the problem... for example [ 3 + 5 < 10 ] which is 7 < 10 that's why it is < LESS THAN 5

Subtract 5 from both sides.

Thanks, @lilkakes, but I still don't understand how that is. I might just call my teacher later today, but thanks again! :)

It's not cheating if I'm just asking how it's done afterward. It's cheating if I'm asking what the answers are before.

I'm happy to help explain your question!

The inequality you encountered, p + 5 < 10, is asking you to solve for the variable p. To find the solution, you need to isolate the variable on one side of the inequality. In this case, you want to isolate p, so you need to get rid of the constant term 5 and the inequality sign <.

To solve the inequality, you can start by subtracting 5 from both sides of the inequality:

p + 5 - 5 < 10 - 5

Simplifying this, you get:

p < 5

Now, we have p is less than 5 as the correct inequality. This means the value of p must be less than 5 for the inequality to be true.

Let's consider the answer choice you selected, -5. If you substitute -5 for p in the original inequality, you get -5 + 5 < 10, which simplifies to 0 < 10. This statement is indeed true, but it does not satisfy the requirement p < 5, which is the correct answer. So, even though your reasoning was correct for the given equation, it resulted in an incorrect answer choice.

To solve inequalities, it's important to properly isolate the variable and determine the range of values that satisfy the inequality. In this case, any value of p less than 5 (but not equal to 5) would be a valid solution to the inequality p + 5 < 10.

Oh, sorry, I forgot to put the answer choices.

1) p < -15
2) p < 5 (Correct response)
3) p < 15
4) p < -5 (My answer)