In order for work to be done, an applied force must cause a change in the _______ of an object.


work in = Force * displacement in direction of the force

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In order for work to be done, an applied force must cause a change in the **position** of an object. To understand this concept, let's go through the process step by step:

1. Understanding Work: Work is defined as the transfer of energy that occurs when a force is applied to an object, causing it to move in the direction of the force. It is calculated by multiplying the force applied to an object by the distance the object moves in the direction of that force.

2. Applied Force: Work requires an applied force, which is the external force acting on an object. It can come from various sources, such as pushing, pulling, or lifting an object. The applied force must act in the same direction as the displacement of the object.

3. Change in Position: To perform work on an object, the applied force must cause a change in the position or location of the object. This means that the object needs to move in the direction of the applied force. If the object doesn't move, even when a force is applied, no work is done.

In summary, work is done when an applied force causes a change in the position of an object. If there is no change in position, or if the applied force is not in the direction of the object's displacement, then no work is done.