you borrow $200 fro a friend to help pay for a new laptop computer. You pay your friend back $12 per week. Write and solve an inequality to find when you will owe your friend less than $60.00

after 1 week you will owe 200 - 1(12) or $188

after 2 weeks you will owe 200 - 2(12) or $176
after 5 weeks you will owe 200 - 5(12) or $ 140

after x weeks .......................................... < 60

To find when you will owe your friend less than $60, we can set up an inequality.

Let's denote the number of weeks as x.

Since you pay back $12 per week, the amount you owe decreases by $12 each week. Initially, you borrowed $200 from your friend. Therefore, the amount you will owe after x weeks can be represented as 200 - 12x.

To find when you will owe your friend less than $60, we can write the following inequality:

200 - 12x < 60

Now, we can solve for x:

200 - 12x < 60
-12x < 60 - 200
-12x < -140

To isolate x, we divide both sides of the inequality by -12. However, when you divide by a negative number, you need to remember to reverse the direction of the inequality:

x > -140 / -12
x > 11.67

Since the number of weeks cannot be fractional, we round up the value of x to the nearest whole number.

Therefore, you will owe your friend less than $60 after 12 weeks.