What first caused President Jefferson to believe the United States should purchase the Louisiana Territory? France had threatened to invade the United States. Spain had closed the port of New Orleans to American Trade. France offer the region to the United States at a reduced rate. Spain gave the Louisiana Territory back to France

Still confused..that doesn't apply to that answers provided


@Damon your no help at all

The event that first caused President Jefferson to believe that the United States should purchase the Louisiana Territory was Spain's decision to give the Louisiana Territory back to France. This action by Spain alarmed Jefferson because he was concerned about France's potential threat to American interests and security.

To find the answer to this question, you can review historical documents, such as President Jefferson's correspondence and official records of the time. You can also refer to historical accounts and writings by historians who have studied this period. These sources will provide insights into the events and decisions that influenced President Jefferson's position on purchasing the Louisiana Territory. Additionally, consulting reputable history books and visiting authoritative websites can provide further information on this topic.

You need to learn to read more carefully for meaning. France offered the region to the United States at a reduced rate.

After Napoleon received the Louisiana Territory, he found he was in desperate

need of money. Due to his deep detestation for Great Britain, who was interested in the territory, Napoleon sold the Louisiana Territory to the United States.

At first, President Jefferson was astounded. He had sent his advisors to merely purchase New Orleans and perhaps Florida. These two areas would give the United States ownership of the mouth of the Mississippi River and control part of the Gulf of Mexico.


I think the last one. It says "first cause" and I think the worry about the French replacing the Spanish at the river was what first brought the subject up.

Whatever noob