Which accurately describes why European nations were so eager to fund expeditions to the New World?

European nations funded expeditions to the New World to gain lands, natural resources, and eventually income.
European nations funded expeditions to the New World to learn Mayan medicinal practices.
European nations funded expeditions to the New World to debunk the notion of heliocentrism, the idea of a sun-centered universe.
European nations funded expeditions to the New World to discover new weaponry to fight the Arab Empire.

Yes, absolutely a.


You're welcome.

I think its the first one

The accurate description of why European nations were so eager to fund expeditions to the New World is: European nations funded expeditions to the New World to gain lands, natural resources, and eventually income.

To understand why European nations were eager to fund expeditions to the New World, we can look at the historical context of the time. During the 15th and 16th centuries, European nations such as Spain, Portugal, England, and France were competing with each other for power, wealth, and prestige.

At that time, the New World (the Americas) was largely unexplored and held great potential for new opportunities. European nations believed that by funding expeditions to the New World, they could establish colonies, claim new lands, and gain control over valuable resources.

One of the main motivations for funding these expeditions was to gain access to natural resources such as gold, silver, and other valuable commodities. European nations believed that the New World was abundant in resources that could be exploited for economic gain. They also saw the opportunity to establish trade routes and monopolies to increase their wealth.

Furthermore, the exploration and conquest of new territories in the New World were seen as a way to extend the influence and power of the European nations. It was a display of their technological and naval superiority, as well as a means to expand their empires.

Overall, the funding of expeditions to the New World was driven by the desire to acquire lands, resources, and wealth, which would contribute to the economic and political interests of the European nations involved.