Suppose a normal distribution has a mean of 20 and a standard deviation of 4.

What is the z-score value 0.52. Its standard deviations is less than the mean?
help please

z-score= (given value - mean)/sd

.52 = (given value - 20)/4

solve for "given value" , let me know what you get, and I will verify.

To find the z-score value, you need to use the formula:

Z = (X - μ) / σ

Z is the z-score,
X is the value you want to convert,
μ is the mean of the distribution,
σ is the standard deviation of the distribution.

In this case, you have the following values:
X = 0.52
μ = 20
σ = 4

Plug in these values into the formula:

Z = (0.52 - 20) / 4

Perform the calculation:

Z = -19.48 / 4

Z ≈ -4.87

So, the z-score value for 0.52, where its standard deviation is less than the mean, is approximately -4.87.

However, it seems like you made a mistake in your question. There is no z-score value of 0.52 with a standard deviation less than the mean. Please check your calculations or provide the correct value, and I will be happy to help.