1. Read the definition. Then match it to the correct plot element.

The high point, or turning point in the action of the plot.

A. Rising action
B. Climax<----My Answer
C. Falling Action
D. Resolution

Can someone please check my answer? I am pretty sure its climax but I'm still a little unsure about A cause that's pretty close too. 🤔🙁

Yes Your Correct.

Just A Fact: The Resolution is The outcome of the Conflict :D Idk Why I put that there but yeah xD

Thanks Ms.Sue! I was correct. It was climax.Thank you.

I think the answer is climax. Therefor, you are correct :)

Rest of the answers pls

You are correct! The correct answer is B. Climax. The climax is the high point or turning point in the action of the plot. It is the moment of greatest tension or conflict, where the outcome of the story is usually determined. The rising action (A) refers to the series of events that lead up to the climax, building the story's conflict and tension. Falling action (C) occurs after the climax and shows the results or consequences of the climax. Resolution (D) is the point where the conflict is resolved and the story comes to a close. So, in this case, the correct answer is indeed B. Climax. Well done!