what are the equivalent fraction and decimal for-33 1/3 percent



ok thank you

what about 20 percent

You're welcome.

See if you can figure out the last problem. Remember that percent means "out of 100".
20 % = 20 out of 100

To find the equivalent fraction and decimal for -33 1/3 percent, you need to convert the percentage to its decimal form first, and then you can simplify it to a fraction.

Step 1: Convert the percentage to a decimal.
To convert a percent to a decimal, divide it by 100. In this case, -33 1/3 percent can be written as -33.33 in decimal form.

Step 2: Simplify the decimal to a fraction.
Since -33.33 is a repeating decimal, we can write it as a fraction in simplest form by using a fraction with the same repeating digit. The repeating digit in this case is 3, so we can represent -33.33 as -33 1/3.

Therefore, the equivalent fraction and decimal for -33 1/3 percent are:
Fraction: -33 1/3
Decimal: -33.33

33 1/3 % = 0.33333 = 1/3