Complete the table. In the row with x as the input, write a rule as an algebraic expression for the output. Then complete the last rule of the table using the rule.

Input Output

Tickets Cost

2 80

7 280

9 360

x _____

10 _______

I am a bit confused on this. I believe that the difference is 40 but I don't know what to put between 9 and 10?

Would x be 9.5?

Would the answer next to x be 380?

tickets vs cost

2 ---- 80 >>>>> cost per ticket = 80/2 = 40
7 ---- 280 >>> cost per ticket = 280/7 = 40
9 --- 360 >>>> cost per ticket = 360/9 = 40
So it looks like the cost of a ticket is $40

then x tickets would cost 40x
and 10 tickets would cost 10(40) = $400

Hello Reiny yes this is what I figure $40 but what would be between 9 and 10 as X?

Since X is the number of tickets, X has to be a whole number.

So 9.5 tickets would not make any sense.
Why would you worry about "between" 9 and 10 tickets?

To complete the table, we need to find a rule for the output (cost) in terms of the input (number of tickets). From the given data, we can observe that as the number of tickets increases by 1, the cost increases by 40. This suggests that the rule is a linear relationship, where the cost is equal to some constant times the number of tickets.

To find that constant, we can choose any given input-output pair and solve for the constant. Let's use the input-output pair (2, 80). By substituting these values into the rule, we get:

80 = C * 2,

where C is the constant we are trying to find. Solving for C, we divide both sides of the equation by 2:

C = 80/2 = 40.

So the rule for the output in terms of the input is:

Cost = 40 * Tickets.

Now, we can use this rule to complete the remaining rows of the table.

For x = 9, the cost would be:

Cost = 40 * 9 = 360.

For x = 10, we can use the rule to find the cost:

Cost = 40 * 10 = 400.

Therefore, the final row in the table is:

x |_____
10 | 400.