Define the variables for each situation. Then write an equation.

7) Jana's age plus 5 equals her sister's age.
J + 5=x
Would this be correct?

8) Andrew's class has 3 more students than Lauren's class.
L + 3=A
Is this correct?

9) The bank is 50 feet shorter than the firehouse.


10) The pencils were divided into 6 groups of 2.

Are the above two answers also correct?

Yes, I agree with all of them

Good afternoon Reiny. I greatly appreciate you checking all of my answers.

Thank you

Yes, your equations for both situations are correct.

For situation 7) where Jana's age plus 5 equals her sister's age, you correctly defined the variable J to represent Jana's age. The equation J + 5 = x represents Jana's age plus 5 equaling her sister's age. The variable x is used to represent her sister's age since it is not specified in the question.

For situation 8) where Andrew's class has 3 more students than Lauren's class, you correctly defined the variable L to represent the number of students in Lauren's class. The equation L + 3 = A represents Lauren's class size plus 3 equaling Andrew's class size. The variable A is used to represent Andrew's class size since it is not given in the question.