Sort the choices into the correct order to describe the rule of the Zhou dynasty.

The Zhou expand their lands through conquest.
Zhou leaders take power and declare they have the Mandate of Heaven.
Fights break out between warlords, and Zhou kings cannot stop them. Zhou have lost the Mandate of Heaven.
Zhou leaders place family members in charge of faraway states.
Over time, ties between Zhou kings and faraway nobles weaken.
Group of nobles join with nomadic invaders to try to overthrow the king, but fail.

did anyone find answers please

i need it

that HeLPs A LOt

To sort the choices into the correct order to describe the rule of the Zhou dynasty, let's analyze the statements and their historical context:

1. Zhou leaders take power and declare they have the Mandate of Heaven.
Explanation: The Zhou Dynasty began when its leaders claimed that they had the Mandate of Heaven, a concept in Chinese political philosophy that legitimized their rule.

2. The Zhou expand their lands through conquest.
Explanation: After taking power, the Zhou Dynasty progressively expanded its territory through military conquests and establishing control over neighboring states.

3. Zhou leaders place family members in charge of faraway states.
Explanation: To maintain political control over their expanding empire, the Zhou kings appointed family members or trusted allies as rulers of distant territories.

4. Over time, ties between Zhou kings and faraway nobles weaken.
Explanation: As the Zhou Dynasty grew and decentralized, the relationship between the central Zhou kings and the regional nobles weakened. This weakening led to a loss of central authority.

5. Fights break out between warlords, and Zhou kings cannot stop them. Zhou has lost the Mandate of Heaven.
Explanation: Due to the weakened central authority and growing power of regional warlords, conflicts broke out between them. The inability of the Zhou kings to quell these fights indicated that they had lost the Mandate of Heaven, meaning their rule was no longer considered legitimate.

6. Group of nobles join with nomadic invaders to try to overthrow the king, but fail.
Explanation: The declining state of the Zhou Dynasty led to a group of nobles forming an alliance with nomadic invaders in an attempt to overthrow the central king. However, their rebellion was ultimately unsuccessful.

Correct order:

1. Zhou leaders take power and declare they have the Mandate of Heaven.
2. The Zhou expand their lands through conquest.
3. Zhou leaders place family members in charge of faraway states.
4. Over time, ties between Zhou kings and faraway nobles weaken.
5. Fights break out between warlords, and Zhou kings cannot stop them. Zhou has lost the Mandate of Heaven.
6. Group of nobles join with nomadic invaders to try to overthrow the king, but fail.