There are eight markers in a full set, but Flora and Frank each only have seven markers.Flora is missing the red marker, and Frank is missing the blue marker.What can they do so that each has a full set of markers? *

steal the ones they need
share with each other
buy new ones
The outermost electrons in each atom are called valence electrons. How many valence electrons does one fluorine atom have? *
For Fluorine, Drag an electron from the left atom to the right atom. Click Play. Then, drag an electron from the right atom to the left, and then click Play. What happens now? *
Both Flourine atoms still have only 7 electrons in the outer shell. Since you simply switched sides for the electrons you moved, nothing changed.
Both of the electrons moved are together on a shared orbit that is rotating between the two atoms. This gave both atoms a total of 8 electrons in the outer shell.
Each hydrogen atom has one valence electron, but EACH atom needs two electrons to be stable. How can both hydrogen atoms each achieve a stable configuration? What did you do on the Gizmo to make sure this was correct? *
Drag one electron from the left H atom to the right H atom, which gave one atom 2 electrons
Drag one electron from the right H atom to the left H atom, which gave both atoms 2 electrons
Drag one electron from the right H atom to the left H atom, and drag the other electron from the left H atom to the right H atom, putting both atoms on the same shared orbit.
What type of bond did the 2 hydrogen atoms form? And why? *
Covalent bond, because they both shared the electron they had started with
Ionic bond, because one atom had to give away one of it's electrons
Molecular, because only one molecule was formed
What type of molecule is Hydrogen? *
Drag electrons back and forth until the molecule of oxygen (O2) is stable. Click Check to confirm your molecule is stable. How many pairs of shared electrons are there in a stable molecule of oxygen? *
2 pairs
4 pairs
2 electrons

Flora and Frank can share with each other so that each has a full set of markers.

One fluorine atom has 7 valence electrons.

When you drag an electron from one fluorine atom to the other, both fluorine atoms still have only 7 electrons in the outer shell. Since you simply switched sides for the electrons you moved, nothing changed.

Both hydrogen atoms can achieve a stable configuration by dragging one electron from the right hydrogen atom to the left hydrogen atom, which gives both atoms 2 electrons.

The two hydrogen atoms formed a covalent bond because they both shared the electron they had started with.

Hydrogen is a diatomic molecule.

There are 2 pairs of shared electrons in a stable molecule of oxygen.

To ensure each has a full set of markers, Flora and Frank can share with each other. Flora can give her red marker to Frank, and in return, Frank can give his blue marker to Flora. This way, both of them will have a full set of markers.

Now let's move on to the next set of questions:

- To determine the number of valence electrons in a fluorine atom, we need to look at its position in the periodic table. Fluorine is in Group 7A or 17, so it has 7 valence electrons.

- When we drag an electron from one fluorine atom to the other and then click Play, both fluorine atoms still have only 7 electrons in their outer shells. Nothing changes because we simply switched sides for the electrons we moved.

- Each hydrogen atom needs two electrons to be stable. To achieve this, we can drag one electron from one hydrogen atom to the other. This will give one atom 2 electrons and make it stable. Dragging the electron from the right hydrogen atom to the left hydrogen atom, or vice versa, will achieve this stability.

- The type of bond formed between the two hydrogen atoms is a covalent bond. This is because they both shared the electron they originally had, creating a stable configuration.

- Hydrogen is a diatomic molecule, meaning it consists of two hydrogen atoms bonded together.

- To create a stable molecule of oxygen (O2), we need to drag electrons back and forth until the molecule is stable, and then click Check. In a stable molecule of oxygen, there are 2 pairs of shared electrons.

I hope this explanation helps in understanding the answers to the questions. If you have any further inquiries, feel free to ask!

there are eight markers in a full set, but Flora and Frank each only have seven markers. Flora is missing the red marker, and Frank is missing the blue marker.

can you help me out