125m on the ground corresponds to 2.5 cm on a map. What is the actual distance between two objects if they are 4.2 cm apart on the map?

125/2.5 = 50

1 cm = 50 m

50 * 4.2 = _____ meters

To find the actual distance between two objects, we can use the concept of scale. In this case, we know that 125 meters on the ground corresponds to 2.5 centimeters on the map.

First, we need to calculate the scale factor. The scale factor is the ratio of the actual distance on the ground to the distance on the map. In this case, we can calculate the scale factor as follows:

Scale Factor = Actual distance on the ground / Distance on the map

Given that 125 meters on the ground corresponds to 2.5 centimeters on the map, we can substitute these values into the formula:

Scale Factor = 125 meters / 2.5 centimeters

Now we can calculate the scale factor:

Scale Factor = 50 meters/centimeter

Next, we can use the scale factor to find the actual distance between the two objects. We know that they are 4.2 centimeters apart on the map. We can multiply this distance by the scale factor to find the actual distance on the ground:

Actual distance on the ground = Distance on the map * Scale Factor

Substituting the values into the formula, we have:

Actual distance on the ground = 4.2 centimeters * 50 meters/centimeter

Simplifying the units, centimeters cancel out:

Actual distance on the ground = 4.2 * 50 meters

Therefore, the actual distance between the two objects is:

Actual distance on the ground = 210 meters.

So the actual distance between the two objects is 210 meters.