A little girl kicks a soccer ball. It goes 10 feet and comes back to her. How is this possible?

Is it by gravity?


IDK That took forever please don't yell @me

I think it is gravity

I also think gravity but only if the ball went straight up and came straight down.

Yes thank you

The phenomenon you're describing, where a soccer ball is kicked and then returns to the kicker, is not possible through the force of gravity alone. Gravity only pulls objects downward towards the Earth, and it doesn't cause objects to move forward or return to their starting point.

There are a few possibilities for how this scenario could occur:

1. Physical obstruction: It's possible that there is an obstruction, such as a wall or a slope, that causes the ball to bounce back towards the girl after traveling a certain distance.

2. Backspin: When the girl kicks the ball, if she imparts backspin (rotating the ball backward), it can create lift and drag forces, causing the ball to curve or loop back towards the girl after a certain distance.

3. Elastic material: Another possibility is that the soccer ball is made of an elastic material that can stretch and then rebound back to its original shape after being kicked or deformed. This elasticity could cause the ball to return to the girl after traveling a short distance.

In summary, the scenario you described is not solely explained by gravity but rather could be due to physical obstructions, backspin, or an elastic material.