Need help distinguishing between applied science and basic science.

would like your thoughts on my examples

Applied science would be research, using rats, to see how rewards affect learning

Basic science would be like a seminar with community leaders to resolve conflicts between two social groups

Basic science is Newton coming up with the principle of conservation of momentum or researchers in a laboratory figuring out which gene causes what.

Applied science is using that knowledge, for example to visualize an orbiting satellite or breed fish for surviving in cold water.

My take on it is virtually opposite from yours.

The distinction between applied science and basic science lies in their primary objectives and approaches. Applied science focuses on using scientific knowledge and principles to address practical problems and develop solutions. Basic science, on the other hand, aims to expand general understanding and knowledge about natural phenomena without necessarily having an immediate practical application in mind.

Let's take a closer look at your examples:

1. Research using rats to see how rewards affect learning:
This example falls under applied science. In this case, scientists are conducting experiments to understand the relationship between rewards and learning in rats. The ultimate goal is to apply this knowledge to practical situations, such as developing effective rewards-based teaching methods in education or behavior modification techniques in psychology.

To conduct this research, scientists would typically follow a scientific method, which involves formulating a hypothesis, designing experiments, collecting data, analyzing results, and drawing conclusions. The findings from this research could then be used to inform specific practical applications.

2. A seminar with community leaders to resolve conflicts between two social groups:
This example leans more towards social science rather than basic or applied science. It involves bringing together community leaders to discuss and address conflicts between two social groups. While this scenario may involve some scientific research methods to gather data and analyze the dynamics of the conflict, the primary objective is to find practical solutions and achieve societal harmony.

Generally, resolving conflicts between social groups is considered an applied science approach as it aims to apply social and behavioral principles to real-world situations. It may involve drawing upon existing knowledge from fields such as sociology, psychology, and conflict resolution to develop strategies that effectively address the conflict and foster understanding between the groups.

Remember, the distinction between applied and basic science can sometimes be blurry, as there may be overlap or interdisciplinary approaches between the two. However, understanding their primary objectives and approaches can help clarify the distinction.