Alex practices playing the piano for 2 1/2 hours each week. If alex practiced for a total of 35 hours, which expression could

sorry let me finish

be used to determine the number of weeks he practiced
A. 35 divided by 5/2*****
B. 35-5/2
C. 35x5/2
D. 35+5/2


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be used to find the number of weeks Alex practiced?

To find the number of weeks Alex practiced, we can use the formula: Number of Weeks = Total Hours / Hours per Week.

In this case, the total number of hours Alex practiced is 35.

Alex practices for 2 1/2 hours each week. To represent this as a mixed number, we can write it as 2 + 1/2, which is equivalent to 2.5.

Now, substituting the values into the formula: Number of Weeks = 35 / 2.5.

Therefore, the expression that could be used to find the number of weeks Alex practiced is: 35 / 2.5.