Two girls, Bella and Destiny, and two boys, Ryan and José, each have a different favourite

colour: red, green, blue, and black. Use the following clues to determine each person’s favourite
• One person’s name and favourite colour start with the same letter.
• Bella doesn’t like black.
• One of the boys likes blue.

Ryan - red

Jose - blue
Bella - green
Destiny - black

Check that out.

Let's use the clues to determine each person's favorite color:

1. One person's name and favorite color start with the same letter.
- This tells us that the letter "B" must be the first letter of someone's name and their favorite color. Since one person's name starts with "B," it means Bella's favorite color starts with "B" as well.

2. Bella doesn't like black.
- This tells us that Bella's favorite color can't be black.

3. One of the boys likes blue.
- This means either Ryan or José likes blue, but we don't know which one yet.

Based on these clues, we can make the following deductions:

- Bella's favorite color starts with "B" but cannot be black.
- One of the boys, either Ryan or José, likes blue.

Let's now figure out the favorite color for each person:

1. Bella's favorite color starts with "B" and is not black. That means Bella's favorite color must be blue.

2. Since Bella's favorite color is blue, we now know that one of the boys, either Ryan or José, likes blue. Let's try both options:

a. If Ryan likes blue, then José cannot like blue since each person has a different favorite color. We need to find another favorite color for José.

b. If José likes blue, then Ryan cannot like blue. We will need to find another favorite color for Ryan.

Since we still need to find a favorite color for the person who doesn't like blue, let's consider the next clue:

4. Two girls, Bella and Destiny, have different favorite colors. Therefore, Destiny's favorite color cannot be blue since Bella's favorite color is blue.

Based on this clue, we know that Destiny's favorite color is not blue. With Bella's favorite color being blue, and Destiny not liking blue, we can conclude that Destiny's favorite color must be one of the two remaining colors: red or green.

Let's go back to the boys:

a. If Ryan likes blue, then José cannot like blue. He must like one of the remaining colors, which are red and green. Since neither Ryan nor José can like black, José's favorite color must be green.

b. If José likes blue, then Ryan cannot like blue. Ryan's favorite color must be one of the remaining colors, which are red and green. Since neither Ryan nor José can like black, Ryan's favorite color must be green.

Now, let's recap our findings:

- Bella's favorite color is blue.
- Destiny's favorite color is either red or green.
- One of the boys, either Ryan or José, likes blue.
- The person who doesn't like blue must have one of the remaining colors, which are red and green.

To determine Destiny's favorite color and the remaining boy's favorite color, we will need to use the process of elimination:

Since Bella's favorite color is blue, and Destiny's favorite color cannot be blue, Destiny's favorite color must be red.

Now, we are left with one remaining favorite color, green, and one remaining boy, Ryan. Therefore, Ryan's favorite color must be green, and José's favorite color is blue.

Final results:

- Bella's favorite color is blue.
- Destiny's favorite color is red.
- Ryan's favorite color is green.
- José's favorite color is blue.