Which career fall under the subjects?

There are too many careers to list here.

1. Go to http://www.google.co.za

2. Enter career search terms.

3. Press Enter.

4. Read lots.

To determine which career falls under a specific subject, you can follow these steps:

1. Identify the subject: Start by identifying the specific subject you are referring to. For example, subjects could include mathematics, science, literature, history, computer science, art, music, etc.

2. Research career options: Once you have identified the subject, conduct research to find career options related to that specific subject. You can use various resources such as websites, career guides, articles, job portals, or speak with professionals in the field.

3. Explore related industries: Often, subjects can lead to careers within various industries. For example, if you are interested in science, you may find careers in healthcare, research, pharmaceuticals, engineering, environmental sciences, or biotechnology.

4. Consider various pathways: Some subjects may have more obvious career paths, while others may offer a broader range of options. For example, if you are interested in mathematics, you could pursue careers in finance, data analysis, statistics, teaching, cryptography, or computer programming.

5. Narrow down your options: Once you have researched various careers related to the subject, narrow down your options based on your interests, skills, and goals. Consider factors such as job market demand, salary prospects, required qualifications, and personal compatibility with the career.

Remember that subjects can often overlap, and a career may require knowledge from multiple subjects. It is essential to thoroughly research and consider your interests and strengths when exploring career options.