Family-centered practices include which of the following?

A. Organizing assistance according to the talents and strengths of agency staff
B. Structuring the delivery of services for the convenience of the agencies
C. Focusing on funding issues
D. Considering family strengths, talents, resources, attributes, and aspirations

my answer is D.

I agree.

thanks Ms. Sue

You're welcome, Diana.

Correct! Family-centered practices include considering family strengths, talents, resources, attributes, and aspirations. This approach recognizes that families are experts on their own lives and respects their individuality and preferences.

To arrive at this answer, you could have eliminated the other options by analyzing their relevance to family-centered practices:

A. Organizing assistance according to the talents and strengths of agency staff: This option focuses on the abilities of agency staff rather than the needs and preferences of the family, so it is not aligned with family-centered practices.

B. Structuring the delivery of services for the convenience of the agencies: This option places the convenience of agencies as a priority, rather than the needs and preferences of the family, so it is not aligned with family-centered practices.

C. Focusing on funding issues: This option centers on financial considerations rather than the needs, strengths, and aspirations of the family, so it is not aligned with family-centered practices.

By eliminating options A, B, and C, you correctly chose option D as the answer, which is aligned with family-centered practices.