Jim works as a language specialist at a University center for children with disabilities. Children attending

this center may be seen by physical therapists, neurologists, audiologists, nurses, pediatricians, special
educators, social workers, psychologists, and other specialists. Each child's assessment plan is determined
by the initial history taken by a social worker. Once the comprehensive assessment is complete, the team
convenes to make a set of recommendations for the family. This model is best described as
A. interdisciplinary.
B. multidisciplinary.
C. monodisciplinary.
D. transdisciplinary.

my answer is I think D.

I think it's multidisciplinary -- but go with what your text says.

To determine the correct answer, let's first understand the definitions of the terms provided:

A. Interdisciplinary: In this model, professionals from different disciplines work together in a coordinated and cooperative manner, sharing information and collaborating to address the needs of an individual or group. It involves communication and integration among team members.

B. Multidisciplinary: In this model, professionals from different disciplines work independently, each conducting their own assessments and providing their own recommendations. They do not necessarily collaborate or integrate their findings and efforts.

C. Monodisciplinary: This model involves a single professional from a specific discipline working independently, providing assessments and recommendations based solely on their area of expertise.

D. Transdisciplinary: In this model, professionals from different disciplines work together in a collaborative and integrated manner. However, in this model, the roles and responsibilities of each professional blur, with each professional contributing their expertise to areas outside their field of specialization.

Based on the description provided, the model described can be categorized as interdisciplinary. This is because professionals from different disciplines, such as physical therapists, neurologists, audiologists, nurses, pediatricians, special educators, social workers, psychologists, and other specialists, collaborate and work together to assess and make recommendations for the children. The team convenes to share information and develop a comprehensive plan of action.