How did the Apollo 17 mission affect New Mexico?

I don't get it? I read it all and i'm not finding how it affected New Mexico.

Does your text mention Harrison Schmitt?

That's the only connection I could find.

Yes, my text also includes more choices.

Then you'll have to figure out which one is the best answer to the question.

The Apollo 17 mission, which was the final mission of NASA's Apollo program and took place in December 1972, did not have a direct impact on the state of New Mexico. The Apollo missions primarily focused on lunar exploration and research, and their activities were centered around the Kennedy Space Center in Florida.

However, the Apollo program as a whole did have some indirect effects on New Mexico and the wider aerospace industry. Here's how you can find more specific information about this:

1. Research Apollo-related developments in New Mexico: While the Apollo missions themselves did not occur in New Mexico, you could explore if any research, testing, or manufacturing related to the Apollo program took place in the state. Search for government archives, historical records, or articles related to New Mexico's involvement in the space industry during the Apollo era. This can help you discover any indirect economic or technological impact.

2. Investigate the influence on New Mexico's space industry: The Apollo program, being a landmark in space exploration, had a broader influence on the aerospace industry. Look into how the Apollo missions might have stimulated New Mexico's space-related activities, research, or infrastructure development. This might include the growth of academic programs, research institutes, or aerospace companies in the state during that period.

3. Check for educational or scientific collaborations: Explore if any academic institutions or scientific organizations in New Mexico were involved in collaborating with NASA or other organizations during the Apollo era. Look for partnerships, joint research projects, or exchange programs that could have resulted from the Apollo program. These collaborations may have had a lasting impact on New Mexico's scientific and educational landscape.

By following these steps, you can gather more information about how the Apollo 17 mission, and the Apollo program in general, may have indirectly affected New Mexico.