. What was the Northwest Passage and why were the French, Dutch, and English explorers looking for it? *

Your answer

2. The exchange of goods and ideas from both continents was called _____________. *

Your answer

3. Why did the Spanish turn from using Native Americans as slaves to African Americans? *

Your answer

4. Which country became wealthy off of fish and furs in the New World? *

Your answer

5. Name 1 positive and 1 negative example of the Columbia Exchange. Use complete sentences. *

Your answer

6. Why do you think the Europeans thought that they were superior to the Native Americans? *

Your answer

7. When horses arrived in the New World with the Spanish, how did it forever change the lives of Native Americans? *

Your answer

8. Where is the Bering Strait and what is the theory on how people moved into N. America? *

Your answer

9. Why did the Spanish not get along with the Native Americans compared to the French and Dutch? *

Your answer

10. The Spanish missions were set up to convert and control the Native Americans. How were the missions set up to control the Native Americans? *

Your answer

11. Name two foods that are common in N. America that originated from the Eastern Hemisphere. *

Your answer

12. Name two foods that are common in the Eastern Hemisphere that originated in North/South America. *

Your answer

13. How did the invention of the compass assist early explorers? *

Your answer

14. How did the astrolabe assist the early explorers? *

Your answer

15. What is the concept of mercantilism? *

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15. Mercantilism is an economic concept that emerged during the Age of Exploration. It was the belief that a nation's wealth and power were dependent on its ability to acquire and control precious resources, such as gold and silver. The main goal of mercantilism was to maximize exports and minimize imports, with the goal of accumulating as much wealth as possible. This led to policies such as trade monopolies, colonization, and the establishment of overseas empires in order to secure resources and establish a favorable balance of trade. The concept of mercantilism played a significant role in shaping the economic policies and practices of European nations during the Age of Exploration.