I can't find any websites to research china does anybody have a site not wikapada

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Thank you your a lifesaver!

You're very welcome.

If you are looking for websites to research about China, here are some suggestions apart from Wikipedia:

1. Official Chinese Government Websites: You can find information on various aspects of China's government, culture, history, and economy through official government websites like china.gov.cn, english.gov.cn, or the website of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (fmprc.gov.cn).

2. Academic and Educational Websites: Websites dedicated to universities, research institutions, and educational platforms can provide reliable and in-depth information about China. Some examples include China Daily (chinadaily.com.cn), Shanghaiist (shanghaiist.com), and China Studies websites of different universities.

3. News Outlets: Trusted news outlets often provide comprehensive coverage of events, politics, economy, and culture in China. Some widely recognized ones include South China Morning Post (scmp.com), Xinhua News Agency (xinhuanet.com), and The Guardian's China section (theguardian.com/world/china).

4. Online Libraries and Resources: Websites like JSTOR (jstor.org), Google Scholar (scholar.google.com), and Open Library (openlibrary.org) offer academic articles, books, and research papers on various subjects related to China.

5. Academic Databases and Journals: Explore academic databases like ProQuest, EBSCOhost, or Academic Search Complete through your school or local library websites. These databases provide access to scholarly articles and journals that cover a wide range of topics related to China.

Remember, it's always a good idea to cross-reference information from multiple sources to ensure accuracy and objectivity.