Why did Egyptians built pyramids? Where are pyramid important to them? What was inside? How are they built?

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The Egyptians built pyramids for several reasons, primarily as tombs for their pharaohs, who were considered divine beings. These pyramids were an architectural marvel and were important to the Egyptians as they were believed to be a gateway to the afterlife for the pharaohs.

Inside the pyramids, you would typically find the burial chamber of the pharaoh, along with various artifacts and treasures that were believed to assist the ruler in the afterlife. These treasures included furniture, jewelry, tools, and even food offerings.

Now, let's explore how the Egyptians built these massive structures. The construction of pyramids was a remarkable feat of engineering, considering the time period in which they were built. The process involved several steps:

1. Site selection: A suitable site was chosen on the desert plateau, preferably near the Nile River, for easy transportation of materials.

2. Quarrying: Massive limestone blocks were quarried from nearby areas. These blocks were cut, shaped, and transported to the pyramid site using sledges or boats.

3. Foundation: A solid foundation was laid using leveled layers of limestone and clay.

4. Core structure: The core of the pyramid was built using limestone blocks arranged in a stepped pattern. The blocks were fitted together with great precision, without the use of mortar.

5. Casing stones: Smooth, polished limestone blocks were placed as the outer layer of the pyramid to create a smooth, gleaming surface.

6. Internal chambers: Chambers and passages were constructed inside the pyramid to house the burial chamber and accompanying treasures. The burial chamber was often located deep inside the structure to deter grave robbers.

7. Completion: The pyramid's construction was completed layer by layer, with each layer built on top of the previous one until reaching the pyramid's peak.

It is important to note that the precise methods employed by the ancient Egyptians in pyramid construction are still not fully understood by archaeologists and researchers. The techniques used were likely a combination of careful planning, manpower, and innovative engineering methods.

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