What is most likely the reason for the long term popularity of Platero y yo?

Forget to put choices sorry!

A People love to read
B People appreciate books that are presented in dual-language format
C People like the combination of whimsical poetry, a warm friendship, and the trials of life.
D People love to read books by Juan Ramon Jimenez because the author was the most famous mystery writer of his time.

Pliz help!

I think first one D Hmm but MS. Sueeeee please HELP!!!!!!!!!!!

D is wrong.


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The long-term popularity of "Platero y yo" can be attributed to several factors. One reason is the literary excellence of the work itself. "Platero y yo" is a prose poem written by Spanish author Juan Ramón Jiménez. It beautifully captures the symbiotic relationship between the narrator and a small donkey called Platero, depicting the profound bond between human and animal. The poetic language, vivid descriptions, and heartfelt emotions expressed throughout the book resonate with readers on an emotional level, making it a timeless piece of literature.

Another reason for its enduring popularity is the universal themes it explores. The work delves into themes such as friendship, love, and the simplicity of life, which are relatable to people from different cultures and generations. The book speaks to the human experience, our connection to nature, and the appreciation for the small joys in life. These themes continue to resonate with readers, ensuring the continued popularity of "Platero y yo."

Furthermore, the longevity of the book's popularity can be attributed to its incorporation into educational curricula. In many Spanish-speaking countries, "Platero y yo" is considered a classic literary work and is often taught in schools. This exposure ensures that new generations continue to discover and appreciate the book, passing on its popularity from one generation to the next.

To explore the reasons behind the sustained popularity of "Platero y yo," one can delve into its literary qualities, examine the universal themes it explores, and consider its educational impact over time.