Yo____ mucha agua. (beber)

Turn the verb in parenthesis into it's correct present tense. User correct accents (If needed)
How do I do this?


What is the form of "beber" that's used with "yo"?


Thank you so much for the website!

You're welcome.

Make sure you don't capitalize the first "b" when you write that sentence, though!!

To conjugate the verb "beber" (to drink) in its correct present tense form, you need to follow these steps:

1. Identify the subject of the sentence:
In this case, the subject is "yo," which means "I" in English.

2. Remove the "-er" ending from the verb:
Take the verb "beber" and remove the "-er" ending to get "beb-".

3. Add the appropriate ending for the subject:
For the subject "yo," add the ending "-o" to the verb stem "beb-".

Putting it all together, the correct present tense form of "beber" for the subject "yo" is "bebo."

Therefore, the correct sentence would be: "Yo bebo mucha agua."