Please help me understand this.

What is the quality of the triad if the interval between the root and third is m3 and the interval between the third and fifth is M3?
A. major
B. minor
C. augmented
D. diminished***

Which term is the name for the lowest note in a triad?
A. root***
B. third
C. fifth
D. seventh

A tonic note is which degree of a scale?
A. the first degree***
B. the first accidental
C. the mid-range note
D. the second flat

There are two half-steps between E flat and F. What type of interval is it?
A. major second
B. minor second
C. perfect fifth***
D. perfect third

In a major scale, fourths, fifths, and octaves are defined by what term?
A. major second
B. minor second
C. perfect interval***
D. accidental interval



Ms. Sue do you have any knowledge to help me with this?

Anyone? I have to submit it soon.

for connexus? ;-;

im sucking really bad in music right now

he is correct^^^

As of 10/8/2022 Sanam is still correct for connections academy

incase their answer got deleted they said the answers are "B,A,A,A,C"

OMG why don't ppl care?!?!

Sanam is right got 100%


Sanam is 100% correct lmao


-OGW 🐾

its still right ty 5/5