Make a list of four animals that live on a farm.

Make a list of four animals that do not like on a farm.

Make a logical comparison in French using these words
\l'ours /l' elephant / grand

Write one comparative sentence based on this information.

Le papillon est beau. Le moustique est laid.

Four animals that live on a farm:

1. Cow
2. Pig
3. Horse
4. Chicken

Four animals that do not live on a farm:
1. Lion
2. Tiger
3. Polar Bear
4. Penguin

Logical comparison in French:
l'ours (bear) / l'éléphant (elephant) / grand (big)

Comparative sentence:
"L'éléphant est plus grand que l'ours." (The elephant is bigger than the bear.)

To make a list of four animals that live on a farm, you can consider the following options:

1. Cow: Cows are commonly found on farms and are raised for milk and meat production.
2. Pig: Pigs are also often raised on farms for meat production.
3. Chicken: Chickens are kept on farms for egg production and sometimes for meat.
4. Horse: Horses can be found on farms for various purposes like riding, working, or breeding.

To make a list of four animals that do not live on a farm, you can consider animals that are not typically found in farm settings:

1. Lion: Lions are wild animals typically found in savannahs or grasslands, not on farms.
2. Penguin: Penguins live in icy environments, primarily in the Southern Hemisphere, making them unsuitable for farms.
3. Dolphin: Dolphins are marine animals found in oceans and seas, not on farms.
4. Monkey: Monkeys are usually found in tropical forests and jungles, rather than on farms.

For making a logical comparison in French using the words "l'ours" (the bear), "l'éléphant" (the elephant), and "grand" (big), you can construct the following comparative sentence:

"La taille de l'éléphant est plus grande que celle de l'ours." (The size of the elephant is bigger than that of the bear.)

To write a comparative sentence based on the information provided about the butterfly and the mosquito:

"Le papillon est plus beau que le moustique." (The butterfly is more beautiful than the mosquito.)

My French is weak and we don't have a French tutor. However, I'll try to check your answers.