so i have this table of values demonstrating the size of a cube to the number of small cubes with one face painted. The table starts with an x value (or number of small cubes) at 3x3x3, and goes up to 8x8x8. I need to fill in the y-column (or number of small cubes with one face painted). They have only given me the 5x5x5 corresponding y-value which is 54 as well as the 7x7x7 corresponding y value which is 150. I need to find a formula of some sort to find the rest. i don't know how to do this.. please help me.

Drawing a picture helps.

In a 3x3 side of a cube there is 1 interior square, all the rest are edge pieces. Since there are 6 sides to a cube y for a 3x3 = 6
In a 4x4 there are 4 interior squares.
In a 5x5 there are 9 interior squares.
In a 6x6 there are 16 interior squares.
Notice a pattern yet. The number of interior squares is a perfect square
So the formula is y = 6*((n-2)^2)

To find a formula to determine the number of small cubes with one face painted for a given size of a cube, you need to analyze the given values and look for a pattern.

Let's consider the information you have:

Cube size (x) | Number of small cubes with one face painted (y)
3x3x3 | ?
5x5x5 | 54
7x7x7 | 150
8x8x8 | ?

To begin, let's examine the differences in the number of small cubes with one face painted between consecutive cube sizes:

Difference between 5x5x5 and 3x3x3: 54 - y(3x3x3)
Difference between 7x7x7 and 5x5x5: 150 - 54
Difference between 8x8x8 and 7x7x7: y(8x8x8) - 150

From this, it seems like there is a linear relationship between the cube size and the number of small cubes with one face painted. To confirm this, let's calculate the common difference for each consecutive cube size:

Common difference between 5x5x5 and 3x3x3: (54 - y(3x3x3)) / 2
Common difference between 7x7x7 and 5x5x5: (150 - 54) / 2
Common difference between 8x8x8 and 7x7x7: (y(8x8x8) - 150) / 1

We can observe that the common difference is increasing by the same value as the cube size increases. This suggests that the relationship between the cube size and the number of small cubes with one face painted is quadratic in nature, and likely follows the form:

y = ax² + bx + c

To find the values of a, b, and c, we can substitute the cube sizes and their corresponding values. Let's use the values for the 5x5x5 and 7x7x7 cubes:

When x = 5, y = 54:
54 = a(5²) + b(5) + c (Equation 1)

When x = 7, y = 150:
150 = a(7²) + b(7) + c (Equation 2)

We now have two equations with three unknowns. To solve for a, b, and c, we need a third equation. Let's assume a linear relationship between the cube size and the number of small cubes with one face painted:

When x = 8, y = ?
Let's denote y(8x8x8) as a new variable, z.

We can find the common difference between 8x8x8 and 7x7x7 using the same method as before:

Common difference between 8x8x8 and 7x7x7: (z - 150) / 1

Since the common difference is constant, we can set it equal to the common difference between 7x7x7 and 5x5x5:

(z - 150) / 1 = (150 - 54) / 2

Now, we can solve for z:

(z - 150) = (150 - 54) / 2
z - 150 = 96 / 2
z - 150 = 48
z = 198

So, when x = 8, y = 198.

Now, we have three equations:

54 = a(5²) + b(5) + c (Equation 1)
150 = a(7²) + b(7) + c (Equation 2)
198 = a(8²) + b(8) + c (Equation 3)

You can solve these three equations simultaneously to find the values of a, b, and c using various methods such as substitution or elimination. Once you obtain the values, you will have the formula to calculate the number of small cubes with one face painted for any given cube size.