Square root of 15y to the power of 3

√15 y^3

√(15y^3) = y√(15y)

Thx steve

sqr15 y power of 3 and the respond is ysqr15y

To find the square root of 15y to the power of 3, we first need to break down the expression.

The expression is (15y)^3.

First, we can simplify the exponent by multiplying the power inside the parentheses by the exponent outside the parentheses. (15y)^3 becomes 15^3 * y^3.

Now, we can find the square root of this expression. To do that, let's break it down further:

- The square root of 15^3 is the square root of 15 * 15 * 15.
- The square root of y^3 is the square root of y * y * y.

Now, let's simplify each part separately:

- The square root of 15 * 15 * 15 can be calculated as the product of the square roots of each factor. The square root of 15 is approximately 3.873.

- The square root of y * y * y can be written as the square root of y^2 * y. The square root of y^2 is equal to y, and the square root of y is sqrt(y).

Combining both parts, the square root of 15y to the power of 3 is approximately 3.873 * sqrt(y).