Generate an image based on four themes. The first part of the image represents a barren African landscape depicting desertification due to overgrazing. Represent this with a partially eaten tree in the sparse environment. The second part represents Hausa, Igbo, and Yoruba people in Nigeria showcasing cultural diversity, through traditional attire and symbols but with a somber, tense atmosphere. The third part portrays an African classroom, with students of different descents eagerly learning, and a healthcare worker performing a check-up, symbolizing improvement in education and health. The fourth part represents inadequate healthcare leading to an uncontrolled epidemic, showing medicine bottles and the African continent.

In North Africa, overgrazing has contributed to which environmental challenge?

A. Deforestation
B. Desertification
C. Lack of clean water
D. Climate change
Use the drop down menu to complete the sentence.
Tense relations between the Hausa people and the Igbos and Yorubas in Nigeria is an example of
A. Instability
B. Ethnic conflict
C. Religions conflict
D. Sectionalism
How would better education and health care help many African countries improve their economies?
A. Governments would be able to reduce spending
B. Countries could rely less on foreign investment
C. Workers would be able to produce more
D. Governments would become more stable
Which of the following has contributed to the high rate of AIDS deaths In Africa?
A. Inadequate health care
B. Lack of clean water
C. Desertification
D. Poor infrastructure

awnsers are B B C A

Trust me i got a 100%

1) desertification

2) ethnic conflict.

3)Workers would be able to produce more.

4) lack of competition among Internet providers

100% have a good day:)

the answers are


The answers are B. B. C. A.

B. B. C. D.

the bee movie is right

The answer are

1: desertification

2: ethnic conflict

3: Workers would be able to produce more.

4: lack of infrastructure, especially in technology and energy.

I got 💯

this is bad but thx

I'm just here to check my answers-

Thanks for helping

how many teachers know bout this website >~<