Surveys on job satisfaction reveal that well over this percentage of American workers are

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Also what percentage?

To determine the percentage of American workers who are satisfied with their jobs, you would need to refer to a reliable and up-to-date survey or study on job satisfaction. Here are the steps you can take to find such information:

1. Start by searching reputable sources: Look for surveys or studies conducted by organizations or institutions that specialize in workplace research, such as Gallup, Pew Research Center, or the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS). These organizations often conduct regular surveys on job satisfaction and work-related topics.

2. Visit their websites: Once you have identified potential sources, visit their websites. Look for sections related to workforce or employment research, where they might publish reports or summaries of their surveys.

3. Search within the website: Within the relevant sections, use their search tools or browse through the available resources to find surveys or studies specifically focused on job satisfaction. Look for reports that include statistics on job satisfaction rates.

4. Check the methodology: Once you have found a relevant survey or study, be sure to consider the methodology used to collect the data. Look for information on sample size, demographics of participants, survey questions, and any potential biases that may affect the results. Understanding the methodology will help you assess the reliability and validity of the findings.

5. Analyze the findings: Once you have obtained the survey results, look for the specific percentage mentioned and consider the context. Note whether the survey measures overall job satisfaction or specific aspects of it. Keep in mind that job satisfaction rates can vary based on factors like industry, occupation, and demographics.

By following these steps, you should be able to find reliable information on job satisfaction rates among American workers.