Explain how to estimate 524 divided by 9

I need help!!

Divided by 10 is 52 so divided by 9 is about 57

this 342

To estimate the division of 524 by 9, you can follow these steps:

Step 1: Round the numbers
Round the dividend (524) and the divisor (9) to their nearest multiples of 10, 100, or 1000, depending on the level of precision you desire. For simplicity, let's round 524 to 520 (rounding to the nearest ten) and 9 to 10 (rounding to the nearest ten).

Step 2: Divide the rounded numbers
Divide the rounded dividend (520) by the rounded divisor (10). In this case, 520 divided by 10 is 52.

Step 3: Adjust the estimate
Now, you have an estimate of the quotient. However, since you rounded the original numbers, you need to adjust the estimate to account for the rounding. To do this, consider the difference between the rounded numbers and the original numbers: 524 - 520 = 4. Since this difference is relatively small, you can add it to the estimate. Therefore, the adjusted estimate would be 52 + 4 = 56.

Thus, the estimate for 524 divided by 9 is approximately 56.

2 be honest I hate my but bc it's to big

Explain how to estimate 524*4