Stella saved $81. Her sister saved $9.

Stella saved--------times as much as her sister.

My answer is $72 is this right

Yes thank you very much,I really need help!πŸ˜ŠπŸ˜ŠπŸ‘πŸ‘

This is the question that was asked. It said: Stella saved $ 81. Her sister saved $ 9.

Stella save --------times as much as her sister.

But...If you subtracted and the word problem said β€œtimes as much” what does that mean?


You have a right answer, but it doesn't answer the question that was asked. Read it again, and repost.

very bad the answer is wrong.


Thank you but im still confused because when it say times as much i thought that ment mutipulcation.

To determine how many times as much Stella saved compared to her sister, divide Stella's savings by her sister's savings.

Stella saved $81 and her sister saved $9.
Dividing $81 by $9 gives you 9.

Therefore, Stella saved 9 times as much as her sister. So your answer is correct.