what did the american indians acquire from french and spanish trade. select all that apply

Select all ... of what?

What was it

To determine what American Indians acquired from French and Spanish trade, we can examine historical records and accounts from that period. Keep in mind that the trade relations between American Indians and European traders varied across different tribes and regions. Some common items acquired through trade include:

1. Firearms: American Indians often obtained firearms, such as muskets and rifles, from European traders. These weapons provided them with increased firepower and changed their hunting and warfare strategies.

2. Metal tools: The introduction of metal tools like knives, axes, and saws significantly influenced American Indian societies. Metal tools were more durable and efficient compared to their traditional stone and bone tools.

3. Textiles: American Indians acquired various textiles, including blankets, cloth, and clothing materials, through trade. These textiles were often traded for furs and other natural resources.

4. Alcohol: European traders introduced alcohol to American Indians during trade. Unfortunately, this led to many negative consequences as alcohol abuse affected their societies and led to dependence and social issues.

5. Horses: The acquisition of horses through European trade had a tremendous impact on the indigenous peoples of North America. Horses revolutionized transportation, hunting, and warfare methods, enabling tribes to extend their territories and adapt new strategies.

6. Luxury goods: Some American Indians acquired luxury goods, such as glass beads, mirrors, trinkets, and decorative items, through trade. These items were often used for personal adornment, cultural ceremonies, or as trade goods for intertribal exchange.

Before reaching a conclusion, it is important to note that trade dynamics were complex, and not all tribes had sustained trade relations with the French and Spanish. Additionally, trade items could vary, depending on the time period and specific tribal groups involved. Hence, conducting further research or consulting specific historical accounts related to a particular tribe or region would provide a more detailed understanding of the items acquired through French and Spanish trade by American Indians.

yeah what was the answer ahh

Just kiddin I got the answer