write a program that will calculate the average of the total marks scored by 10 students, if each student has done 4 exams.

Sure! Here is a step-by-step guide to write a program that calculates the average of the total marks scored by 10 students, assuming each student has done 4 exams:

Step 1: Initialize variables
- Create a variable to store the total number of students (e.g., `num_students`) and set it to 10.
- Create a variable to store the total number of exams (e.g., `num_exams`) and set it to 4.
- Create a two-dimensional list or array to store the marks of each student for each exam (e.g., `marks`).

Step 2: Input marks
- Use a loop to iterate over the number of students.
- For each student, use another loop to iterate over the number of exams.
- Prompt the user to input the marks for each exam and store them in the `marks` list.

Step 3: Calculate the total marks
- Create an empty list to store the total marks of each student (e.g., `total_marks`).
- Using nested loops, iterate over the `marks` list and calculate the total marks for each student by summing up all the exam marks.
- Store the total marks for each student in the `total_marks` list.

Step 4: Calculate the average marks
- Calculate the sum of the total marks from all students using the `sum()` function and store it in a variable (e.g., `total_sum`).
- Divide the `total_sum` by the total number of students (`num_students` multiplied by `num_exams`) to calculate the average marks (e.g., `average_marks`).

Step 5: Display the average marks
- Print the calculated average marks.

Here is an example program in Python:

num_students = 10
num_exams = 4
marks = []

# Input marks for each student and each exam
for i in range(num_students):
student_marks = []
print(f"Enter marks for student {i + 1}:")
for j in range(num_exams):
exam_mark = int(input(f"Enter marks for exam {j + 1}: "))

# Calculate total marks for each student
total_marks = []
for student in marks:

# Calculate average marks
total_sum = sum(total_marks)
average_marks = total_sum / (num_students * num_exams)

# Display the average marks
print(f"The average marks scored by {num_students} students in {num_exams} exams is: {average_marks}")

You can run this program and input the marks for each student and exam to calculate the average marks scored by the students.

To calculate the average of the total marks scored by 10 students, with each student taking 4 exams, you can write a program in any programming language of your choice. Here's an example in Python:

# Initialize variables
total_marks = 0
num_students = 10
num_exams = 4

# Iterate over each student
for student in range(num_students):
# Initialize student total marks
student_total_marks = 0

# Input marks for each exam
for exam in range(num_exams):
marks = int(input(f"Enter marks for student {student+1}, exam {exam+1}: "))
student_total_marks += marks

# Add student's total marks to the overall total marks
total_marks += student_total_marks

# Calculate the average marks
average_marks = total_marks / (num_students * num_exams)

# Print the average marks
print(f"The average marks scored by {num_students} students in {num_exams} exams is {average_marks}.")

You can run this program and input marks for each student and exam. At the end, it will calculate and display the average marks scored by the 10 students in 4 exams.

int scores[10,4],sum,s,i

real avg
for s=1..10
print "Enter the 4 scores for student #",s,": "
read scores[s,i] for i=1..4
for i=1..4 sum += scores[s,i]
next s
avg = sum/40