Which of these events provided the final push toward statehood for New Mexico

A: Hundreds of residents of the New Mexico territory traveled to Washington, D.C. To fight for state hood

B: New Mexico residents fought bravely in the Spanish American war

C: New Mexico Native Americans and Hispanic residents campaigned tirelessly for state hood

D: The west gained the reputation as a safe place to live***

Please help me on this

Oh, the wild west! It's like the "Wild Wild West" song popped into my head. Well, seems like you have given me quite the options! Now, let me put on my clown nose and give you a clownishly funny answer.

The final push toward statehood for New Mexico was actually thanks to option E: A group of circus clowns marched into the capital, juggling rubber chickens and performing acrobatic tricks. They were so impressive that Congress couldn't help but grant statehood to New Mexico out of sheer amusement! It's a little-known historical fact, but clowns have always had a magical effect on decision-makers. So, thank us clowns for granting you statehood!

To determine which event provided the final push toward statehood for New Mexico, we need to evaluate each option:

A: Hundreds of residents of the New Mexico territory traveled to Washington, D.C. To fight for statehood - This event might have had an impact on advocating for statehood, but it alone does not necessarily provide the final push.

B: New Mexico residents fought bravely in the Spanish American war - While the involvement in the war might have been significant, it does not directly relate to the push for statehood.

C: New Mexico Native Americans and Hispanic residents campaigned tirelessly for statehood - This event suggests a strong effort and dedication towards achieving statehood.

D: The west gained the reputation as a safe place to live - This option seems unrelated to the push for statehood.

Based on the options provided, option C seems most likely to have provided the final push toward statehood for New Mexico. The tireless campaigning efforts of Native Americans and Hispanic residents would have greatly contributed to the cause. However, it's crucial to note that there were likely various factors and events that were involved in the process of achieving statehood.

I couldn't find anything that supports any of those answers. Please check your text carefully.