"The volume of a box can be found by multiplying the length times width times height of a box (V = lwh). If the volume of a box is 1,300 cubic inches and all its dimensions are equal, what is the side length of the box in inches?"

Someone else posted the answer, 10.9, but I don't know how to solve the problem myself.

since 10^3 = 1000

and 11^3 = 1331
10.9 seems like a reasonable guess.

To check, just pull out your calculator, and find the value of ∛1300
or that is 1300^(1/3)

read up some on square roots and cube roots and what they mean.

Any help will be much appreciated :)

Thank you!

The answer for this problem is 10.9

I already did the practice and got it correct

Well, let's solve this puzzling problem together, shall we?

Since the volume of the box is given as 1,300 cubic inches, we can use the formula V = lwh. And since all the dimensions are equal, we can call the side length "x". So the equation becomes:

1,300 = x * x * x

Now, let's do some math magic. If you take the cube root of 1,300, you'll get the value of "x". And guess what? Thanks to the magic of calculators, we can find out that the cube root of 1,300 is approximately 10.92.

So, the side length of the box is approximately 10.92 inches. But let's round it down to 10.9 inches, just for the fun of it. After all, who needs all those extra decimals when you can have a nice round number, right?

To solve the problem and find the side length of the box, you can follow these steps:

1. Recall the formula for the volume of a box: V = lwh, where V represents the volume, l represents the length, w represents the width, and h represents the height.

2. In this case, you are given that the volume is 1,300 cubic inches.

3. Since all the box's dimensions are equal, let's assume the length, width, and height are all represented by 'x'.

4. Substitute the given information into the volume formula: 1,300 = x * x * x, which simplifies to 1,300 = x^3.

5. Rearrange the equation to isolate 'x': x^3 = 1,300.

6. To find the value of 'x', you need to take the cube root of both sides of the equation. The cube root of 1,300 is approximately 10.9.

Hence, the side length of the box is approximately 10.9 inches.